Liquor Estimator

Some wedding reception venues require that you purchase your liquor through them, and will suggest bar options, liquor brands, and consumption amounts based on their past experience. If possible, purchasing your own liquor is the most cost-effective approach and could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars if you are planning to offer guests an open bar.

Estimated Liquor Quantity to Serve 100 Guests:

cocktailBeer – 9 cases total:
    • 3 Cases Domestic
    • 3 Cases Imported
    • 3 Cases Light

Wine – 5-8 cases total:
    • 3-4 Cases Chardonnay
    • 1-2 Cases White Zinfandel
    • 1-2 Cases Cabernet Sauvignon

    • 1-2 Cases

Hard Liquor:
    • 5 Liters Vodka
    • 3 Liters Gin
    • 2 Liters Rum
    • 2 Liters Scotch
    • 2 Liters Bourbon
    • 2 Liters Tequila
    • 750 ml Vermouth

Other Liquor (1 Liter each):
    • Bailey’s Irish Cream
    • Kahlua
    • Grand Mariner
    • Amaretto
    • Sambuca
    • Brandy
    • Frangelico
    • Chambord

    • Margarita Mix / Salt
    • Lime Juice
    • Lemon Mix
    • Milk
    • Orange Juice
    • Cranberry Juice
    • Soda Water
    • Tonic Water
    • Coke & Diet Coke
    • Sprite
    • Ginger Ale

    • Lemons
    • Limes
    • Cherries
    • Pearl Onions
    • Olives

Bar Set-Up:
    • Beer Coolers
    • Ice Coolers
    • Ice (more than you think you’ll need)
    • Glassware
    • Martini Shaker
    • Jigger
    • Strainer
    • Dish Towels & Wash Bin
    • Large Trash Container
    • Straws
    • Stirrers
    • Napkins